Now, watch in amazement as the paint bucket fills, the wand selects, the eyedropper… uh, drops using data not from the layer you are editing, but from the reference layer!So what is this useful for? I use it all the time when coloring artwork.Choose a tool such as the magic wand, paintbucket, or eye-dropper, and make sure it is set to “Refer To Reference Layer.”.Choose any layer (or even a group of layers) to act as the Reference Layer by clicking the lighthouse icon in the layer menu.Reference layers are an incredible concept, that I’ve never experience before in any other program. Reference layers – extremely helpful tool when coloring.Great for cleaning up linework, inking with “white,” and “erasing” away paint strokes that you laid on too heavy. Manga Studio 5 easily lets you switch to transparency as a color on the fly, making any brush instantly into an eraser.Paint with Transparency – my favorite feature.Manga Studio 5 is currently only $35 on : Purchase it Here.

But even at that price, it still ends up being $120/year.

Watch the Full Video Review: In Sum mary: Manga Studio 5 Compared to Adobe Photoshop: If you’re considering purchasing new art software, you’ll definitely want to check this out. There are so many cool new tools and features in MS5, that it was really hard to fit them all in. I set out to make a quick YouTube review of it, and “quick” quickly turned into over 15 minutes of me rambling.

I’ve been using Manga Studio 5 for over a year now, and I love it.